Friday, July 2, 2010

Bantayan sa Hari

The Bantayan sa Hari (Mandaue City, Mandaue City, Visayas)

The Bantayan sa Hari (Kings watch tower or baluarte) figures prominently in the seal of the city of Mandaue. Located at the Mandaue approached to the Mactan bridge,this symbol of Mandaue City is a historic relic built in the 19th century when moro raiders begun concentrating their attacks on the towns of northern Cebu after Fray Julian Bermejo's effective blockade and defense of the south.

Mandaue's ruble watch tower is lost amid the shanties and the gasoline depot that surround it,yet many Mandauehanons and Cebuanos feel justly proud of this tangible remnant of Spanish rule of the northeastern side of Cebu mainly the string of watch towers starting from Mandaue,Catmon,Tabogon,Bogo,San Remegio and Daan Bantayan. These watch towers or baluartes were built following the bishop's decree found in the archives of Daan Bantayan that stated,that each town build a system of fortification and defense as a string of shoreline baluartes or lantawans equipt with canons as shoreline defense patterned after Fray Bermejo's fortification in the southeastern Cebu in defense against moro raiders.

ang sungay ang may alam

It has been twelve years when my great grandfather die, I always remember him as a strict yet so loving Lolo sa tuhod. He shares lots of story about our place, their life before the technology arose and how they live by their own. But what amazed me the most among the memories we had with our Lolo is his very old hat holder, this hat holder is older than me it is 90+years old. My Lolo was fond of collecting hats or lets just say cant be complete with out wearing hat whenever he has something to go. In going to market he wears hat, in watching cock fight he wears hat, in putting the goat to the bushes he wears hat, anything that deals with outdoors activity he always wears this native hat. But what is ancient to the story I am sharing with you right now is my lolo’s native hat holder, this hat holder was so weird and so awkward to watch. When I was young I hesitate myself to look at this thing it’s dreadful and it made me shiver whenever I went to my lolo’s house. But this hat holder is unique; this hat holder is made of deer’s horn and its amazing to see that even if it is that old my Lolo was able to preserve this hat holder and for me that thing was ancient and its was 90+ years old. And this hat holder witnesses the every downfall and triumph our family has experienced. If there’s one thing that know our family’s whole story then it is this hat holder of my Lolo. Until now we are still using the hat holder even if my Lolo is already dead. This hat holder will serve as our memory of our Lolo Miguel and his good things and advices will be in our hearts forever.